Report from the 2006 NCTM Annual Meeting
St. Louis, MO
April 2006
The Geometer's Sketchpad featured prominently at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 84th Annual Meeting in St. Louis. Key and KCPT Sketchpad staff made several presentations; material from those talks is available below. Information on the NCTM meeting of the Sketchpad User Group is also available.
Featured Sketchpad Presentations
Dynamic Algebra Software: Bringing Functions Alive with SketchpadAbstract: In this session we will look at a number of activities in which the power of dynamic mathematics software gives students the opportunity to vary the variables, generate families of functions, and transform functions. |
Go Deeper with Young Learners Using SketchpadAbstract: Try out Sketchpad activities that actively engage students with the topics of your textbook lessons in a variety of math strands. We'll look at ways the ability to manipulate a model and to explore many cases encourages students to pose questions, test their ideas, clarify their understanding, and develop generalizations.Presenters: Rhea Irvine and Daniel Scher Download the Sketchpad file used in this workshop. Download the activity worksheets used in this workshop. |
Visualizing Precalculus Using Dynamic Geometry SoftwareAbstract: The algebraic capabilities of The Geometer's Sketchpad combined with its capacity for geometric visualization make it a unique and powerful tool for precalculus. We'll explore dynamic views of trigonometric and exponential functions, wave forms, polar graphs, and function transformations in this session to bring new insight to important topics. |
Sketchpad User Group
The NCTM Sketchpad User Group featured several stations at which Sketchpad presenters spoke informally about the work they were presenting in sessions and workshops during this year's annual meeting.
10 Ways The Geometer's Sketchpad Can Help You EducateAbstract: Expand your use of Sketchpad in the classroom. Use according to the expertise of the teacher and students will be addressed. Sketches vary from demonstration to exploration, including mixing Sketchpad with other software. Example sketches explore content from middle school to Algebra 2. All sample sketches provided to attendees.Presenter: Susan E. Polk, Technological Education Consulting, LLC, Alexandria, Virginia Presentation Materials: sketches, handout Note: Susan also made a special presentation to the user group entitled "Using Graphing Capabilities and a Geometry Project." Download the sketch and handout from this presentation. |
Conjecture to Proof: Using The Geometer's Sketchpad with Proof-Based GeometryAbstract: Writing conjectures, generating solutions: dispelling the myth that technology is not compatible with rigorous proof-based geometry, participants will see an environment where students use The Geometer's Sketchpad to 1) experience, explore, and make conjectures about geometry; and 2) generate proofs to verify and explain those conjectures using the language of mathematics.Presenters: Cheryl G. Malm, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri; Christine C. Benson, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri |
EmPOWER: The Point of AssessmentAbstract: Show and Tell: You can show your students geometry concepts at multilevels using The Geometer's Sketchpad, but can they tell you what, why, and how? Cut, copy, pasteāput pizzazz into their PowerPoint presentations as they animate their way into entertaining and formative assessments.Presenters: Karen M. Greenhaus, Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Virginia Beach, Virginia; Sara S. D'Amato, Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Virginia Beach, Virginia |
A Historical Geometric Journey with GSP: Assessing Students UnderstandingAbstract: A teacher will present his work on Pythagorean triples. We use The Geometer's Sketchpad(GSP) in a college geometry class to demonstrate and extend historical geometry problems (e.g., like quadrature, Pythagorean theorem). We'll engage participants in GSP explorations to revisit and extend these historical problems. Scripts and handouts provided. No familiarity with GSP required.Presenters: Armando M. Martinez-Cruz, California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, California; David Booze, Troy High School, Fullerton, California; Fernando Rodriguez, Buena Park High School, Buena Park, California Presentation Materials: sketch 1, sketch 2, sketch 3, handout |
Exploring Mathematical Connections with Archimedes' Broken Chord TheoremAbstract: Investigate geometric, algebraic, and historical relationships using an ancient Archimedian theorem as a springboard. Learn a process to encourage students' inquiry by generating and analyzing data with Sketchpad and Excel. Make and test hypotheses, derive a formal proof, and discover trigonometric extensions that result from the theorem.Presenter: Jeffrey John Steckroth, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia Presentation Materials: sketch Note: Jeff also made a special presentation to the user group entitled "SOH-CAH-TOA, the Unit Circle, and Trig Functions: What's the Connection?" Download the sketch and handout from this presentation. |
Summary SessionThe user group meeting was capped off by a special presentation by Sketchpad creator Nick Jackiw entitled "The Gateway: Overarching Themes in Geometric Modeling." Download the sketch used in this presentation. |