Connected Mathematics Project Sketchpad Activities*

Nathalie Sinclair
Michigan State University


As part of an ongoing research project, researchers from Michigan State University and KCP Technologies surveyed Years 6 and 7 of the Connected Mathematics Project² curriculum (CMP) to identify significant dynamic visualization and exploration opportunities uniquely suited to Dynamic Geometry and developed a model for curricular activity materials and example activities for CMP.

This work took the form of mathematical content topic analysis and ongoing collaborations with middle school teachers³ to survey the CMP6 and CMP7 curriculum, to identify thematic and content elements central to the design of that curriculum amenable to Dynamic Geometry visualization and exploration, and to assess Sketchpad's ability to extend and support those elements' pedagogic purpose through technology-based activities.

There are at least six major areas in which Dynamic Geometry technology can actively support or extend pedagogic elements of CMP:

  • By providing manipulable models,
  • By offering visual representations,
  • By providing a novel and appealing environment in which to gain mathematical fluency,
  • By allowing students to work empirically with patterns in mathematical phenomena,
  • By supporting the development and use of mathematical vocabulary,
  • By sharing the mathematical authority often held exclusively by teachers.

At this point, our collection includes 10 activities for Grade 6 and 7, including worksheets, sketches, and teacher notes. As our work continues, we hope to add additional activities for all CMP grade levels.

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*Portions of the work described here were funded under National Science Foundation grant DMI 0339703. Opinions expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the foundation.
²The Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) was developed at Michigan State University with funding by the National Science Foundation between 1991 and 1997. The project's aim was to develop a mathematics curriculum for grades 6, 7, and 8. More information about this curriculum can be found here.
³The activities were co-developed and tested with teachers at Kinawa Middle School in Okemos, Michigan: Barb Kissling, Barry Scates, Sue Angell, and Terry Quick.